Zero-Waste Band-Aids: Why You Should Make the Switch

Are you aware that most band-aids available in the market are produced using plastic? With an increasing effort to sustainability, single-use plastic items aren't a feasible option. However, because recycling medical products isn't always practical, you might wonder if there is something different that will meet your zero-waste goals. Natural adhesive strips, plastic and latex-free, biodegradable and 100% environmentally friendly, organic bandages are the ideal choice every emergency kit should have. So, if you are looking to refill your first aid kits, it's finally time to consider the sustainable solution to healing minor wounds and cuts. Here's why you should make the switch today. 

Bandages Are Hypoallergenic

When living with sensitive skin, chances are you are always checking ingredients in every product to make sure ingredients used are skin-friendly and won't cause skin irritations or itching. When living with a latex allergy, applying a latex bandage only adds insult to the injury, and a few hours of exposure can leave you with redness, itching and scaling, beating the reason for the band-aid in the first place. Organic bandages made from 100 percent certified bamboo fibres are a great benefit in this regard and provide the best alternative for sensitive and delicate skin. 

Improved Healing

Nothing can be more frustrating than when something meant to aid your health hinders recovery. Even something as simple as a band-aid can do more harm than good when you react to the chemicals or ingredients used in the material. Lucky, organic band-aids are infused with natural ingredients such as coconut oil and aloe vera, which can help soothe the skin and accelerate healing. They offer a great alternative to plastic and rubber band-aids that are packed with modern medicines. In addition, these breathable bandages keep bacteria at bay, hence reduced chances of infections allowing faster healing. 

Great For the Environment 

Like plastic bottles, most traditional bandages made from plastic materials that end up in landfills don't break down easily. Given the constant need to cover small cuts and wounds, protecting the environment can present a challenge on this front. Luckily, you can consider your environmental footprint by switching from traditional bandages in your first aid procedures by focusing on organic bandages made with biodegradable and recycled materials. You can rest easy knowing that each purchase you make aligns with your zero-waste mission and is kind to the environment. 

To find out more about organic bandages, check out a local medical supplier or pharmacy near you. They can provide further assistance on organic medical products.
